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News stories from 2015 - UK and international

UK: Mutilated greyhound washed up in river
River Foyle, Northern Irleland 24 June 2015
Disturbing and heartbreaking story from Northern Ireland. .
This poor soul was found washed up in the River Foyle. That is bad enough, but his/her ears had been hacked off. There have been several cases where racing greyhounds have been found mutilated in such a way. The industry places tattooes inside the dogs' ears as proof of identity. Thus by cutting off the ears, the sadistic person who did this was removing the clearest method of identifying the dog and in turn tracing his/her owner/trainer. Shameful, cowardly, barbaric.
Run free now innocent one. Free of pain, free of evil.
Sorry we don't know your name.
Australia: Life-ban for 'award winning' trainer
Victoria, Australia 24 June 2015
Another greyhound trainer, Anthony Mills, was this week banned from racing for life after being found guilty of live baiting - also known as 'blooding' - with greyhounds in order to (the theory goes) make them more competitive..
The life bans follow an Australian TV program aired in February (Four Corners), which provided shocking evidence of trainers using live pigs, possums and rabbits to 'blood' their dogs.
Ironically, yet tellingly, this person had received a lilfetime achievement award in 2013 for his 'services' to the industry.
Image via ABC News
Australia: Trainer found guilty amidst the live-baiting scandal
Victoria, Australia 15 June 2015
A life-time ban has been given to greyhound trainer Christopher Connolly in light of the shocking live-baiting scandal.
Connolly was found guilty on all six charges by Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) Stewards following evidence of live baiting in November 2014 (courtesy of Australian TV programe 'Four Corners').
Connolly did not turn up to his hearing, and is believed to have returned home to Ireland.