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2016 was a busy year...

Events in 2016 - UK & Ireland

Stop Greyhound Exports Ministry of Agriculture Food and the Marine, Dublin 

Organised by Caged Nationwide

Stop Breeding, Stop Racing, Stop Exports Demo outside GBGB's HQ, London

Organised by Caged Nationwide and Birmingham Greyhound Protection

Grey Pride Manchester, 27 August 2016 

Caged Nationwide, promoting greyhouds as pets!

Protest Against Greyhound Exports Embassy of Ireland, London 

Organised by Caged Nationwide and Birmingham Greyhound Protection

March for the murdered million Manchester, 24 July 2016 

Organised by Caged Nationwide


Stop Sending Greyhounds to Macau / China  

Peaceful demos outside Irish Embassies worldwide, May and June 2016 

Appeal for Petal  January 2016 

CAGED NW and Greyt Exploitations offering a £2,000 reward to help find Petal's abuser

(Petal the greyhound was found mutilated and dead in Lancaster UK in Jan 2016)

GBGB annual awards demo Lancaster Hotel, London, 24 January 2016 

Organised by Caged Nationwide, Pet Levrieri and Greyt Exploitations

2016 events - Australia

'Shut it Down' A National Day of Action   Nationwide, 7 February 2016


Organised by the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds

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